"100+ Auto-Installing Software Titles For Your Web Site"
Random Image Rotator

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Random Image Rotator 4 contains many new features and enhancements over this version

Need to display a bunch of images? Need to link them to another site maybe for advertising purposes? Don't like using SSI? Great! Then the Random Image Rotator is for you. Uses one line of JavaScript coding to be called and all variables can be passed to the script dynamically giving you unlimited images and sites you can place the code onto!

There are three variables you can pass to the script. filename (required), rotatetime, and imagetag

filename (required) is the filename to read from. It contains the image URLs and links. In the file, each image and URL are on one line. First place the image URL, then separate by a pipe character (|), then the URL (if you want it to link to somethinig). For example:


imagetag (optional) is the name of the IMG SRC tag you want on your page. This must be different then all other names of IMG SRC's on your page. The default name is randomimage. If you call the script more than once on the same page, you must set this variable different for both calls.

rotatetime (optional) is the time to display each image, in seconds. The default value is five seconds.

To call the script from any of your pages, just use:

<SCRIPT SRC="http://www.yourserver.com/cgi-bin/randimage.cgi?filename=filename.txt&imagetag=randomimage&rotatetime=x"></SCRIPT>

NOTE: Netscape browsers will not resize the image after the first is displayed, so you should make all images you are using around the same height and width. Otherwise, they will be oddly shaped.

"I love this script (WebChatter), lots of great options..."
- J. Estep

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