"100+ Auto-Installing Software Titles For Your Web Site"

Thursday, March 13, 2025

You have a web site. You need to place other web site links on your pages. But, what happens when your visitors click that link that goes to another site? They're gone, or a new window opens and they immediately leave or forget about what you're selling.

There is a solution... called StickySite. In a nutshell, StickySite opens any web site into a small, custom designed window onto your own web page that your visitor can open and close without ever leaving your web site! So, you can stick other sites onto your own. Hence the name, StickySite.

Below are links to Amazon.comTM and Google.comTM. Click on them to see what happens:

<--- Click to open, move, and close window
<--- Click to open, move, and close window


Installation and Usage:

StickySite automatically installs on your web site in seconds Or, follow the below instructions to install manually.

Now to use StickySite, just call it from your web browser like this:


Now just fill out a few boxes of how you want your new Sticky Window to look and the web site it should contain, and the proper JavaScript code will be generated for you.

We saw all sorts of tools - site protection, sticky windows, streaming video, audio , etc - too many choices and we thought above gets us off to a great start ... your site is awesomely overwhelming - like a candy store to a 5 year old ... where do we begin??? does it ever need to end?

Annie Costa

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