"100+ Auto-Installing Software Titles For Your Web Site"
Media Scooper 2

Thursday, March 13, 2025

If you have a web site, you need content. Period. No matter what you're selling -- books, software, sneakers, or toilet paper, you need to have fresh content on your site at all times. Here's why: There are thousands of news feeds on the Internet right now that can give you all of those benefits in mere seconds. But only the Media Scooper 2 can do it all for you without the programming headaches.

Our Media Scooper 2 can pull any news feed in RSS (Rich Site Summary) format and display the articles on your site in real time.

It's very simple: The Media Scooper 2 then displays your feed, and the entire code needed to display the feed on your web site.

If you're hungry for the Search Engines to index you, you can use the PHP code it displays. Or if you just want a quick way to show the lastest news, choose JavaScript. Either way you get all your favorite news articles updated 24 hours a day in just seconds!


Check out some LIVE news feeds below:

NY Times Tech & Yahoo Tech News Combined

Make your own feed below

No programming necessary. The Media Scooper will display exactly what you need to put on your web pages!

When you login, just choose a news feed, or enter your own URL, and the code to add to your pages is automatically generated for you and your visitors!


Media Scooper 2 automatically installs on your web site in seconds Or, follow the below instructions to install manually.

How to use:

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