"100+ Auto-Installing Software Titles For Your Web Site"

Thursday, March 13, 2025

E-Contact 2 contains many more features and improvements.

Do you receive a lot of spam? Do you know how the majority of spammers get your e-mail address? They search your pages, collect addresess, sell them, and spam you. With E-Contact, you can add a simple online form for your visitors to contact you, all without using your e-mail address.

E-Contact assigns a unique ID for any e-mail address you want to use. When you use E-Contact, a form is displayed with the ID hidden. When the form is submitted by your visitor, the ID is looked up, and the form is sent to the correct e-mail address. You now get your e-mail and nobody knows the real e-mail address it was sent to!



Check out the Administration Panel here

Both the username and password are admin


E-Contact automatically installs on your web site in seconds Or, follow the below instructions to install manually.

How to use:

Just add the below code to any of your web pages.

<SCRIPT SRC="http://www.yourserver.com/cgi-bin/econtact.cgi?recipient=ID"></SCRIPT>

Just replace ID with any ID you created in the administration screen. This ID corresponds to the e-mail address you supplied in the administration section.

Optional Variables:

You can pass these variables along with the code above to change the style and colors of your contact box. Just add an ampersand sign (&) and the variable below. For example, recipient=ID&backgroundcolor=FFFCCC

width: specify width of box
height: specify height of box
backgroundcolor: specify background of box

To add or edit ID's and e-mail addresses, point your browser to:


"I really loved your website because I HATE hassling with perl and cgi. (I'm an author and don't have time)."
- L. Schlumpf

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