Web Hog
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Did you know you might be getting charged by your web host provider for using too much space? Do you even know what is cluttering up your web site these days? If you need a simple way to seek out huge files or need a simple way to organize your site, then you need the Web Hog
- Password protected login
- Displays all files and folders with size and percentage of space used
- View files with just a click
- Delete one or all files in a click
- Sort by filename, size of file, or date
Check out this
Installation:Web Hog automatically installs on your web site in seconds
Or, follow the below instructions to install manually.
- Upload webhog.cgi to your cgi-bin folder
- CHMOD webhog.cgi to 755
- Edit the location in the webhog.cgi script to where you want to search for files
How to use:
You can begin searching your web site by pointing your browser to:
"I've surfed the Internet for online business tools to bring new visitors to subscriber to my marketing alert service. I stumbled upon John Saya's site and couldn't believe my good fortune. Not only did he have the solutions I needed to fully automate our Web site, but he made it so that even I could install the Web software myself ... I don't even know Perl Scripting from Pearl Jam.
And the best part is I can download John's entire library at no additional cost ... everything. It's almost too good to be true!"
- Markus Allen
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