Net::DNS Module 0.34
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Net::DNS is a DNS resolver implemented in Perl. It allows the
programmer to perform nearly any type of DNS query from a Perl
script. This module is required by many scripts, including some here on the CGI Connection, such as our E-mail Verifier. If your hosting company does not have this module intalled, you should get it. This is not a standalone script, but is used in conjunction with other scripts.
This module can normally be downloaded from but now it can be automatically installed from the CGI Connection web site.
Manual Installation:
- Login to your web site via telnet or ssh
- Change into your cgi-bin directory. Eg. cd cgi-bin
- untar netdns0.34.tar by using the command tar xvpf netdns0.34.tar
- You should now see a directory called Net under your cgi-bin directory
When you use a script that requires the Net::DNS module, it should work fine if you have the script in your cgi-bin directory. If not, you must specify the location of the DNS module in the beginning of the script. For example:
BEGIN { @INC = ("/path/to/your/cgi-bin", @INC); }
The only part you change is
/path/to/your/cgi-bin which is the full, exact location to where you untarred the files to.
You can test if your modules exist by using our
Module Checker
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