"100+ Auto-Installing Software Titles For Your Web Site"
Source Code Viewer

Thursday, March 13, 2025

There's a fast and easy strategy you can use to find out how your competition gets listed in the top spot at Google(TM).

Just look at their Web site code. Here's a simple two-step method:

Step #1:

Type a search word or phrase that best describes your Web site at Google. For example, if your Web site is all about purple monkeys, type the search phrase "purple monkeys" at:


Within mere moments, Google displays thousands (if not millions) of related listings.

Step #2:

Look at the top featured listing, copy down its Web site address, and submit 'em using the Source Code Viewer:

Note: You may be able to use your Web browser to view the source code on most sites. But the top-ranked sites use JavaScript coding and "cloaking" to block their source code from prying eyes.

You too can create a search-engine-friendly Web page by viewing the source code of your competitor's Web pages and emulating their strategies. Armed with this data, you're one step closer to cracking the code to higher search engine ranking.

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