Quick Links
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Now you can have all of your links in one place, that always are displayed on your web site. If you hate editing your links on your pages, or never can find the right place to put them, then you'll love Quick Links. You can even make more money with your affiliate programs by making your links stand out more!
- Specify an unlimited number of links per file
- Easy web administration of all content
- No SSI required, uses one line of JavaScript code
- Define colors and text box size dynamically through your pages
To create or edit any Quick Link files you created, simply point your web browser to:
Administration Screenshot
Installation:Quick Links automatically installs on your web site in seconds
Or, follow the below instructions to install manually.
After you place Quick Links in your cgi-bin directory, change the directory settings in the beginning of the script to fit your server, then chmod it to 755.
Now, just place the below code on any of your web pages:
<SCRIPT SRC="http://www.yourserver.com/cgi-bin/quicklinks.cgi?filename=linksfile"></SCRIPT>
linksfile with the filename you created in the administration section.
Optional variables:
- bordercolor: specify the border of the box, such as BLACK or #000000
- backgroundcolor: specify the background color of the text box
- width: default width of the text box
- height: default height of the text box
Quick Links should be in the corner of your browser right now.
Using special characters:
Quick Links uses Javascript to display all of your links, so using special characters, such as an apostrophe, must be escaped using a backslash. This tells Quick Links that you are trying to display an apostrophe, and not a JavaScript code.
For example:
John\'s Quick Links File
Notice the backslash before the apostrophe. Without them, the link will not work correctly.
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