"100+ Auto-Installing Software Titles For Your Web Site"
News Flasher Pro 2.0

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Want an eye catching way to show off new products? Need a simple way to show what's new on your site? Want your stuff shown like a pop up, but with out a pop up?

With News Flasher Pro 2.0, you have the option of displaying one liner headlines on your web pages or have short descriptions and links in a scrolling box on the browser.



To create or edit any news files you created for rotation, simply point your web browser to:


Administration Screenshot


News Flasher Pro 2.0 automatically installs on your web site in seconds Or, follow the below instructions to install manually.

After you place News Flasher Pro 2.0 in your cgi-bin directory, change the directory settings in the beginning of the script to fit your server, then chmod it to 755.

Now, just place the below code on any of your web pages:

<SCRIPT SRC="http://www.yourserver.com/cgi-bin/newspro20.cgi?filename=newsfile&mode=X"></SCRIPT>

Replace newsfile with the filename you created in the administration section. Set mode to 0 for one liner headlines or 1 for full description displays.

Optional variables:

News Flasher Pro 2.0 should be in the corner of your browser:
Set to display each article for 20 seconds

Just want to say love your software. IMO every web designer should have an account with CGIConnection, why spend the time doing the programming when in seconds they can add the items that give their web sites professional forms and so much more. I would be lost without CGI!

Thanks for being here.


Delia Cummings

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