"100+ Auto-Installing Software Titles For Your Web Site"
News Flasher Pro

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Need a simple way to show what's new on your site? Need to show news headlines? Want to promote other sites through text links? News Flasher Pro is for you!

With News Flasher Pro, you have the option of displaying one liner headlines anywhere on your web pages or have short descriptions and links in a scrolling box on the browser.

News Flasher Pro supports an unlimited number of headlines and links that are all stored in a simple text file. The script is called by just one line of JavaScript code on any of your web pages! It does not require SSI (Server Side Includes), root access, or any other server dependant protocols.



News Flasher Pro automatically installs on your web site in seconds Or, follow the below instructions to install manually.

After you place News Flasher Pro in your cgi-bin directory, change the directory settings in the beginning of the script to fit your server, then chmod it to 755.

You can name the file that script reads to anything you like. Be sure you chmod the text file to 755 or 777.

There are two modes:

If using mode 0 (one liners), each line in the text file will first have your headline and the link it will go to when clicked on -- separated by a pipe character (|). For example:

My Headline|http://www.gohere.com

In mode 1 (descriptive mode), each line in the text file will first have your headline, then the link it will go to when clicked on, then the description -- all separated by a pipe character (|). For example:

My Headline|http://www.gohere.com|Your description goes here

Now, just place the below code on any of your web pages:

<SCRIPT SRC="http://www.yourserver.com/cgi-bin/newspro.cgi"></SCRIPT>

News Flasher Pro should be in the corner of your browser:
Set to display each article for 30 seconds

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