Sale Mailer
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Want to be notifed by e-mail every time you make a sale? Got a Paypal account? ClickBank account? Any type of merchant account?
Sale Mailer Features:
- Sends an e-mail to you each time a sale or purchase is made
- Passes any affilate ID or any other variable to the e-mail
- Tells you the amount in the e-
- Configures through your web browser
Sale Mailer gets HTML code that is to be displayed on your web site from a simple text file. Simply call the script as shown below, and the variables are automatically changed in the text file's HTML code and output to the visitor's browser. A default text file named
paypal.txt comes with the script (an example for PayPal accounts)
To call Sale Mailer from your web page, add this:
<SCRIPT SRC="[email protected][email protected]
Required variables:
fromemail: The address you want your e-mails addressed from
toemail: The address you want your e-mails sent to
returnpage: The URL you want your visitors sent to after the sale
amount: Purchase price of the product
code: Affiliate ID or any other special code you want to pass to define the sale
filename: The filename to read from your web site and replace all variables
itemname: Brief description of the product
itemnumber: ID or number associated with the product
After you pass each of these variables to the script, it will read in the text file, such as
paypal.txt and replace them there, so your actual HTML code from PayPal, Clickbank, or any other merchant provider will contain the proper values. In the text file, each of these variables will be represented as $fromemail, $toemail, $returnpage, etc...
To login and edit any HTML files to read into the script, go to:
The default username is
username. The default password is
I think what you have is a wonderful thing for those who do not understand
html, cgi bins, etc. Best of luck to you in your endeavors.
Charles Garner
Sr. Executive Director
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