"100+ Auto-Installing Software Titles For Your Web Site"
Friday, June 28, 2024

"I want to thank you! Finally, there's a site out there that does auto uploads for scripts. Hallelujah!"
- Tom Hobbins

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Survey Maker 2.0
Not sure what your visitors think about your products or services? Find out what your site is really missing by asking your visitors with a simple survey or poll.

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

Link Redirector
Make your lengthy web site URL's shorter in seconds. Perfect if you hate remembering long web site addresses or want to promote shorter URL's

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

Text Replacer
Easily find and replace text on your web pages. If you have lots of pages that need to be changed often, you'll love this.

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

Script Scrambler 2.0
Protect your hard work by encrypting your Perl scripts in such a way that they are virtually unreadable, but still work the same way!

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

Visitor Tracker
Display in realtime how many people are on your web site at one time. Fully customizable.

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

AutoResponder 1.0
Stop losing money and follow up with your customers automatically. Close the sale with no effort at all since your sales letters are sent automatically via e-mail.

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

Random Image Rotator 2.0
Show off your products in seconds and link each to their own page. Rotate your products, photos, and anything else you can imagine with just a click.

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

Support Center
Stop wasting time and money on support for your products and services. Manage support tickets in just seconds using your web browser.

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

FAQ Generator
Create your own Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pages right through your browser. Stop hand editing them and stop answering the same questions to your customers!

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

Banner Exchanger
Run your own banner exchange. Allows multiple banners, impression and click through tracking, and more!

Get this software title and 100+ other eye-catching web software products for only $9

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This is the most cost efficient way to have your site not only be user friendly, but also look and work great. After using the autoupload I had a few problems with my server working the software. However, Joe helped me work out the problems and the software working perfect in 1 day. Not only did he make it work he showed me what the problem was and how to make future pages work smoothly with my server. The best customer service I have ever dealt with.

Dave Keith

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