Santa's Helper IISE Configuration

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Login Password:
From E-mail:
This is the e-mail address that Santa letters will be sent from
This is the e-mail subject that will be sent with each letter.
You can use special variables that will be replaced automatically. They are:
!{NAME}!    !{CITY}!    !{STATE}!    !{EMAIL}!
Default Letter:
This is the default text that will display when someone is writing their letter to Santa
This will be displayed below the image on your web site
This is the default font style that will be used
SMTP (Mail) Server:
Mail Format: Plain Text (recommended) HTML
Do you want e-mails sent in HTML format or plain text? Some people may not be able to view HTML e-mails.
Mail Server Time Zone:
Examples: EST, CST, MST, PST, -0400 (EST), +0000 (GMT)
This should be set to your mail server's time zone. This is usually the same as your own. If set incorrectly, some mail servers may flag your e-mail as spam.
Allowed Domains:
Domains allowed to use this software. Separate each with a comma.
Allowed Images:
What type of images can be used
Example: jpg,gif,png
Log Entries? Yes

If your mail server requires authentication, enter your username and password below.

Leave this section blank if your mail server does not support authentication.


Below is the design template of how letters will look when sent back to your visitors

If you are sending plain text e-mails, the below will be e-mailed instead of the above